Harbor Romantics

Containers, ships and harbors from near and far

Whether small sailboats, huge freighters, classic four-masters, or large cruise ships: for those who love maritime harbor atmosphere, it's easy to fall in love with Bremerhaven. Explore the harbors comfortably by water or on land strolls. Don't miss the opportunity to peek into the work of shipbuilders and overseas ports. A harbor tour is fun for the whole family. With a bit of luck, you'll sail along the longest quay in Europe, with one of the large floating hotels of the cruise industry anchored there. From the water, the sight of the container ships will fascinate you. True harbor romantics enjoy the view of the ports from above in the evening hours. Nothing stands in the way of your perfect vacation day - you have the choice.



Package tour fascination of Dreamboats

Discover Bremerhaven over two days with the HafenBus, the harbor tour, and experience the "Schulschiff Deutschland"

Harbor cruises through the Overseas Harbors

Sightseeing tours with the glass-roofed ships "Lady Sunshine" and/or "Hein Mück".

River Cruises aboard the MV „Geestemünde"

The "Dicke Pötte" tour on the River Weser.

River line trips with MV "Oceana"

Explore the charming landscape from the water and enjoy onboard dining from Bremen to Bremerhaven & back.

Round trip to the container terminal with MV "Oceana"

Trips from/to Seebäderkaje to the container terminal and the seal banks.

Guided Tour Harbor Worlds incl. look-out platform

Bremerhaven - past and present.

Trips with the HarborBus

Experience one of Europe's most significant port cities up close.

Trips with the HarborBus

A tour of the special kind.

Look-Out-Platform SAIL City

High, even higher, further - Enjoy the panoramic view from the city's highest building.


Speedboat Safari Bremerhaven

A breathtaking experience.




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